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Brother Anthony - Global Village - One to One Overseer and a Global Village Minister

Background: Pastoral BS Degree in Religion and Counseling. Heart for People. Believes in Christianity. Believes in building character, values and laws using spiritual principles derived from the Bible. Strong believer in the Grace of God. Successful career in corporate America working with Human Capital Management Systems (HR/Payroll/Benefits) as a Sr. Techno-Functional Subject Matter Expert Analyst.

Husband, Father. Empathetic Friend, Family Encourager, Addiction Counselor, Relationship Counselor, Resume Writer, Spiritual Writer and a strong believer in getting wisdom global and higher than ourselves.

Personal Belief: There is a God who is one. A sovereign God. A God who created all that we know and have discovered as well not have discovered. This God does exists. There was a Jesus Christ that came to us in the form of a human and through him redemption was offered. God owns the Earth and all that is within it, therefore also knows how to get the best out of it. God has created spiritual principles to govern our Earth, our lives and our destiny. Therefore, it is good for us to learn God’s Wisdom and how to make it a practical part of our life, relationships, communities and our world.

Equity is our goal on Earth. Therefore, learning the wisdom and science of Equity requires all of us to collect a shared wisdom that has been given to us all. Equity is our matured civilization level we are growing toward with each generational and with each practicing spirituality. Spiritual wisdom is being broken down into practicality more and more until we win, but right now resistance is strong because of corruption. And that corruption is usually centered in pride, ego, control, greed, lust and unbalanced wealth. Our focus is on finding God’s Wisdom and applying it to our actions and responses and letting God handle our challenges, conditions and circumstances. We have a cross to carry worldwide.

The Earth we live on is one Global Village. One Big Rock and Jesus stated as written in Matthew 16:18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. Therefore, we have an advantage. There is a spiritual power made available to us to help us do our part within the season we are blessed to live. Our part is our part with the help of God and hopefully our actions and responses have been shaped by God’s spiritual principles to help us live out our unlimited potentials.

Remain Blessed, Encouraged, and Empowered…

Bro. Anthony

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“Betty” “Nankinga” “Norah” - Global Village - One to One Advisor and a Global Village Minister

A Voice for the Voiceless. 20+ Years Professional Global Humanitarian. Traveled to 52+ countries working with development countries to assure the security and quality of life is being addressed, provided and sustained. Wife. Mother. Friend. Family Encourager. Advocate for women and children worldwide. Believes strongly in Christianity and fair rights for every human being on Earth. International Professional. Prayer Warrior. Peer Counselor. Minister. Teacher. Project Administrator and Developer.

She also works to partner with a diverse range of philanthropic partners, public and private organizations, and concerned citizens who share our interest in promoting people-centered development initiatives. Betty’s primary global perspectives are firmly rooted in local realities. Her goal is to help strengthen policy and strategy development, implementation, communication and evaluation that is cognizant of and responsive to ever-changing contexts.

She has professional practical experience in reviewing, assessing and analyzing over 200 programmes, ranging in budgets from US$ 5 million to US$ 1 billion in over 64 low, medium, and high-income countries; and has interacted with a diverse range of partners and communities. This combined with graduate level training in public policy and management; enables her to facilitate policy, strategy and risk reviews in a participatory and engaging manner with due respect for normative frameworks that define each context in which we operate.

God has blessed “Betty” to become a valued family member to her African, European and American Families and Friends. Global Village - One to One is blessed to have “Betty” as a friend and Christian partner who fervently believes in prayer and listening to others needs and concerns. She firmly understand local realities and offers herself openly and willingly as a vessel of God.

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Rev Church & Mrs Church - Global Village - One to One Fundraisers & Global Village Ministers

The picture was taken in Soweto, South Africa with a young boy who wanted to sing for pay, so they also took a picture with him. The Churches were on their way to Uganda. Rev Church retired from the City of Daytona Beach, Florida. Mrs Church retired from Board of Education County of Volusia in Daytona Beach, Florida. The Churches knows the challenges of building and keeping a career, raising a family and doing God’s Will in the midst of challenges. As of 2020 the Churches are successfully married for 63 years.

With a strong and enduring faith in God the Churches obtained a Master’s Degree as well Degrees in Christian Studies and Counseling. After retirement the Churches started a Family Christian Counseling 501 (3) (c) not for profit name One to One Family Christian Counseling, Inc. The organization grew and added on Global Village - One to One. The Churches are also Global Village - One to One Ministers dedicated to raising funds, administering funds, prayer, preaching and teaching.

The Churches are firm believers in God, God’s miraculous works and living by the Wisdom of God. The Churches life in ministry goes from the range of Evangelizing, Preaching, Teaching, Ministering, Counseling, Youth Ministry, Christian Education, Outreach, Youth and Adult Special Groups and much more. Allowing God to use them is essential and rewarding.

Rev and Mrs Church